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New Student Information

When is the first day of classes for the 2025-2026 academic year?

The first day of classes is Monday, Aug. 25, 2025. To view the college's academic calendar, click here.

Where can I find the Keuka College academic calendar?

To view the Academic Calendar, click here

How do I log into my Keuka College email account?

After depositing, your account will be created within 1 to 2 business days. You will receive an email with your username and password and some instructions on accessing your email and KC Portal. 

If you do not receive your login information after 2 business days or experience issues trying to log in, please work directly with your Admissions Counselor or contact the IT Service Desk at (315) 279-5217.

How do I pay my bill?

You can choose to pay your bill in one of the following ways:

  • Pay online through the KC Student Portal in the Self-Service section
  • Call the Office of Student Accounts at (315) 279-5237 to pay with a credit card over the phone
  • Mail a check to the Student Accounts office at the College using the following address format:

ATTN: Student Accounts
Keuka College 
141 Central Ave.
Keuka Park, NY 14478

Information on how to complete payments will be included on your printed bill. 

When is New Student Orientation?

For the incoming class of Fall 2024, New Student Orientation is Sunday, August 17 - Sunday, August 24.

  • First-year student move-in and NSO check-in is Sunday, Aug. 17, 2025.
  • Transfer student move-in and NSO check-in is Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2025. 
What is required for my health forms?

Required health forms are available in the Student Health Portal. In your portal, visit the section titled 'My Forms' to review all required and optional forms. 

Students are required to complete the immunization form that is marked as a requirement in the Student Health Portal. New York State requires two MMR vaccinations and one Meningococcal ACWY vaccination (within the last 10 years)

If you are an athlete, you may have additional forms available and marked as required for you to complete in your Student Health Portal

If you are an international student, you will have one additional blood test for tuberculosis that is required. 

If you are a commuter student, registered for 6 or more credits during the semester, you will need to show verification of two MMR vaccinations. You are also required to have one Meningococcal ACWY vaccination (within the last 10 years), or two Meningitis B vaccinations. You may waive the meningococcal vaccination by acknowledging the risks and possible health implications of contracting meningitis, and signing the form in the Student Health Portal.

If you are a student only registered for online courses during the semester, there are no immunization requirements.

All students will need to submit health insurance information in their Student Health Portal

If you need additional information or have questions, please contact our Health and Counseling Center at [email protected] or (315)279-5368. You can also message the Health and Counseling Center via secure messaging directly in the Student Health Portal.

Can I change my meal plan selection?

Yes. If you'd like to make changes to your meal plan assignment prior to the start of the semester, please contact your Admissions Counselor. If you'd like to make changes once the semester is underway, please contact the Office of Student Life.

How do I waive the medical insurance fee from my bill?

Visit the Keuka College Waiver & Enrollment portal. Select the option 'Full Time Student Waive/Enroll' link and follow the on-screen instructions.

Information about how to access your waiver & enrollment portal will also be included on your bill. 

When is move-in day for new students of Fall 2025?

New first-year students will move-in on Sunday, August 17 and complete New Student Orientation. Transfer students will move-in on Wednesday, August 20 and complete New Student Orientation. 

How do I request a parking permit?

You can request your parking permit before starting the semester in your New Student Portal. Parking permits for undergraduate students are $170/year. You can also visit the Campus Safety office when you're on campus to request your parking permit. 

How do I transfer college credits from high school?

The Office of the Registrar only accepts college credits taken in high school through dual enrollment programs with other college institutions. If you received college credit, please order an official transcript from that college/university and send it to the Keuka College Registrar’s Office. If you took AP Exams while in high school, please go to the College Board website to order your scores and send them to Keuka College. Once they receive your transcript/AP scores, they will be able to apply your transfer credit accordingly. All official transcripts must be sent directly from the institution. The Registrar’s Office will not accept transcripts from students/parents/guardians.

When will my loans get disbursed?

Loans will disburse on August 01 for Fall 2024.

The Office of Financial Aid can not disburse loans until at least 10 days prior to the start of classes.

Due to the Department of Education, loans will appear as “ineligible” until after July 1 in the student portal. If a student plans to decline the loans awarded on their offer, the student must email Financial Aid directly at [email protected].

Do I have to register for classes?

The Office of the Registrar will register you for classes in your first semester. They will need your english placement survey, math placement survey (if applicable), ASL placement (if applicable), and any final official transcripts before they can register you for your classes. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Office of the Registrar at (315) 279-5204 or [email protected].

Do student-athletes have additional health forms to complete?

Yes – as new student-athletes, you are required to fill out (5) forms and submit documentation of a sickle cell solubility test* (per the NCAA) by July 15 to participate in athletics. The following forms will be available in the 'My Forms' section of the Student Health Portal:

  • Sports Medicine Consent Form 
  • Sports Medicine Health History Record 
  • Student-Athlete Concussion Statement
  • Health Insurance Information 

Student-Athletes will also need to complete the Keuka College Student Athlete Physical Form 

Completed forms should be submitted through the Student Health Portal in the 'Documentation' section.

*The sickle cell test is commonly done for newborns before they even leave the hospital, so your provider should either have a copy of the results, or will be able to tell you how to get the results.

How do I access my New Student Portal?

Access your New Student Portal at